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Malabar Cuisine

ISBN : 9788188000180
Language :English
Page(s) : 80
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 395.00

Book Name in English : Malabar Cuisine

Kerala is a land of various cultures and cuisines. Malabar, the northern part of Kerala is famous for its lush green forests, beautiful beaches, forts and historical monuments. Mopla cuisine is an exquisite collage of cuisines as it bears strong influences of the Arab, the Persian and the Moghul ones. It is directly visible in their use of dry fruits and aromatic spices. Well known for its rich and distinctly flavoured traditional preparations, Mopla cuisine consists of a fascinating array of fish, meat and vegetable dishes along with some delectable desserts and snacks. Malabar Coast, with its rich marine life ensures the availability of fresh seafood.
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