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Mappila Muslims A Study on Society and Anti-Colonial Struggles

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9789380081342
Language :English
Edition : 2nd Edition 2016
Page(s) : 182
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 11 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 180.00

Book Name in English : Mappila Muslims A Study on Society and Anti-Colonial Struggles

This book neatly falls in the category of Malabar Maritime History series; a focus on South India’s rich anti-colonial traditions in political and cultural struggles by the Mappila community in Malabar. Mappila Muslims: A Study on Society and Anti-Colonial Struggles, gives an elaborate description of the legendary anti-imperialist struggles and the unique societal life of the indigenous Muslim community in northern coast of Kerala. They are termed Mappilas, who have anthropological exclusivity and sociological significance, sharing a common history of uncompromising sense of liberation with Muslims of many other contemporary regions. They created their own enviable space in history, formed their version of language and literature, and nourished a unique culture with many a beautiful Islamic manifestations in art and almost everything. It was in fact a collective attempt of a native Muslim society bound to a particular region to build up their own Islamic civilization. A major unforgettable element of this saga is the immense sacrifices the Mappilas have courageously done for the liberation of the land from the European colonizers.
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