Book Name in English : Mental Health and You
Our quest for knowledge about ourselves, our behaviour patterns, merits, demerits and higher possibilities is meager when compared with our ever-increasing Search for information about the outer world. The primary and essential component of human life, the Mind, its health and ill-health practically receive little attention, which causes much disharmony and suffering . Many including the well – educated are often inadequately informed of the various symptoms of ill – health and abnormalities that affect the mind . This engagingly readable book by the eminent psychiatrist , Lt . Col . ( Dr ) N . Gopalakrishnan , conveys vital information for the assessment of the human mind , which facilitates the management of life and gives an insight in the higher destiny of human life .Write a review on this book!. Write Your Review about Mental Health and You Other InformationThis book has been viewed by users 2212 times