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Modern Indian History

Publisher :McGraw-Hill
ISBN : 9789353160234
Language :English
Edition : 2018
Page(s) : 700
Condition : New
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Rs 785.00
Rs 706.00

Book Name in English : Modern Indian History

Meant for civil services aspirants, this book covers the Modern Indian History portion of the syllabus (Preliminary and Main). The book is meant to be an all-inclusive text covering not just the target syllabus comprehensively but also facts for the preliminary exam, all under one roof. The book also provides comprehensive in depth analysis for the Main Examination. Previous Years’ as well as Practice Questions have been provided to give the aspirants a sense of direction and focus during the course of their study. The book thus comes as a solution for the aspirants who continue to struggle for complete and examination centric content in a single source for a wide ranging subject like Modern Indian History.
Key Features:
1. Meant for UPSC as well as State Services Exam
2. Chronological narrative to help readers understand the development of historical events.
3. The only book with a primer on Post Independence India
4. Multi-dimensional coverage & analysis
5. Modern Indian History is divided into 7 Units namely-
i. Unit1- Mid-18th Century India
ii. Unit2-British Expansion and Consolidation in India (1767-1857)
iii. Unit3-Changes and Impact (Mid-18th to Mid-19th Century)
iv. Unit 4-Popular Uprisings and Revolts
v. Unit5- Socio-Religious Reform Movements
vi. Unit6- Indian National Movement-Part1 (Emergence of Organized Nationalism)
vii. Unit 7-Indian National Movement-Part2 (Towards Freedom)
6. Previous Years’ Questions (Preliminary and Main)
7. Practice Question (Preliminary and Main)
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