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Sahodaran Ayyappan

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9789380081182
Language :English
Page(s) : 395
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 8 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 395.00
Rs 355.00

Book Name in English : Sahodaran Ayyappan

Towards a democratic future life and Select Works
He was a journalist,a pamphleteer,an essayist,a story writer,and a poet,Sekhar seems him as one of the maker of MODERN MALAYALEE.but even more as a public intellectua who worked towards democratisising and rationalising the civic life of KERALA and India
True change genuinity,anti castle velues, could only emerge from an 'outside or an extra space" from which a genuine and anti castle discourse could be launched against Hinduism. Sahodaran Ayyappan belonged to this rare genre of discourse that captured the revelutionery nature ofthe "extra element" created by modernity and he turned it against hinduism and its new political form, nationalism.
Sahodaran Ayyappan is making a comeback in the public sphere of Kerala through debates, radical re-reading and innovative explorations. This happens at a time when the excluded and marginalised sections of the society such as women, Dalits and other contested groups are actively intervening in the cultural politics and producing representatives. This book explores the pluralistic and dialogic legacies of Sahodaran and questions the realities of the multi-faceted intellectual through a critical re-reading of his life and works.
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