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Shiite Islam

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9789675062438
Language :English
Edition : 2013
Page(s) : 239
Condition : New
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Book Name in English : Shiite Islam

Despite a growing interest in the last hundred years in both orientalism and comparative religions, and the fact that there are over fifty million Shi'a Muslims, until now there has been no thorough and objective study of that part of Islam called Shi'ism for Western scholars. The present work provides a clear account of the origin, history, and doctrines of an important sector of the Muslim religious community. It is written by a distinguished leader of that community, who, in addition to possessing a thorough knowledge of its traditional history and literature, presents its rational-philosophic, traditional-legal, and gnostic-mystical elements with warmth and sympathy. The result is a well-integrated general picture which succeeds in giving the reader a clear and comprehensive picture of how the Shi'ite Muslim views his religion.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
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