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Sree Narayana Guru Life and Times

Publisher :Open Door Media
ISBN : 9788193219614
Language :English
Edition : Oct 2017
Page(s) : 284
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Rs 400.00
Rs 380.00

Book Name in English : Sree Narayana Guru Life and Times

Glasenapp does not say anything regarding new religious manifestations in South Indian which are not negligible. such for example is the great Gruru, Shri Narayana Whose beneficent spiritual ativity has been exercising its influence during the past forty years in the State of Travancore on nearly two millions of his followers (He passed away in 1928). His teaching permeated with the philosophy of Sankara, shows evidence of a striking difference of temperament compared with the mysticism of Bengal, of which the effusions of love (bhakti) inspire in him a certain mistrust.
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