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The Despised Souls

Language :English
Edition : 2013
Page(s) : 180
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 13 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 150.00
Rs 135.00

Book Name in English : The Despised Souls

A well played part of providence
The despised soul is a novel based on the theme of the dreadful French revelution. Set in two cities; London and Paris, the novel takes the reader on a journey through the course of history and revels the unchanged temperaments in human relations. It tells a tale of love,greed, trueth and revenge. The novel contatins ordinary events that can take place in the life of any human being. They are sometimes highly dramatic. Although ,the noval is written on a history based theme going far back from the authers time. He has expressively manifested his skill in the art of story telling.
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