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The Monuments of Despair

Publisher :Bookerman
ISBN : 9789386089014
Language :English
Page(s) : 160
Condition : New
4 out of 5 rating, based on 11 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 220.00
Rs 198.00

Book Name in English : The Monuments of Despair

The first Friday dawn, after the last ship of the year left scattering its vibrant rays over Kanmanam, Colonel John Bastian was about to finish his morning walk, which was part of his daily routine for the last fourteen years after the early wake up, shave and morning blood in the toilet. Even in that tedious walk with his aching eighty two years old joints he recollected his adventures as a young and dynamic soldier in the infantry battalian of Rajput regiment with discipline fashion and disciplined passion.
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