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The Other Side of This Life

Publisher :DC Books
ISBN : 9789385752766
Language :Malayalam
Edition : 2018
Page(s) : 300
Condition : New
2 out of 5 rating, based on 6 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 250.00
Rs 225.00

Book Name in English : The Other Side of This Life

Nisha is a woman who dons many hats with excellence, treads where no one dares, i s a force unto herself and has conquered many heights and dived to many depths, literally! This book chronicles many of her often life-changing experiences of being married into a political family,its triumphs and tribulations, bouquets and brickbats, adulation and accusations. From being brought up in a relatively protected environment to being thrown into the lime light as daughter-in-law of Kerala’s Finance Minister and wife of Kottayam MP, Nisha learnt the ways of Kerala politics, both the highs and lows. And she learnt to take all of it in her stride, like the element water which she identifies herself with the most. As she describes in the preface to her book, ‘From that little tiny drop I have become a sea which has many waves. I rise high and I fall, all of which I choose. The higher I rise, the lower I choose to recede. I live with the many fish, reptiles, sharks, boats and ships, all in harmony. There are times when I want to destroy them all. But as I approach, the arms of my nurturer overtake my emotion of destruction and love, I break off into small wave after small wave till I reach the shore as that tiny drop I started off as.’
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