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Tom Sawyer-English-

ISBN : 9788182665088
Language :English
Edition : Aug 2015
Page(s) : 60
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 40.00

Book Name in English : Tom Sawyer-English-

Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer is a classic novel that can be enjoyed equally by both children and adults. The tale powerfully appeals to both adult and young
imaginations. In this classic,the author re-created
a long-ago world of freshly whitewashed fences and Sunday school picnics into which sordid characters and violent incidents sometimes intruded. Tom Sawyer has captivated generations of readers of all ages.

This retold version of Tom Sawyer offers an
opportunity to savor a witty and action-packed account of small-town boyhood in a bygone era.
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