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Unique Odyssey

Publisher :Panthera Imprint
ISBN : 9788187741022
Language :English
Edition : August 2016
Page(s) : 300
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 14 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 500.00
Rs 450.00

Book Name in English : Unique Odyssey

A unique Odyssey the journal of a Railwayman’s Unforgettable Road Trip Across Southeast Asia is an account of a vastly different journey through India. Myanmar, Thailand Laos, Vietnam Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. The solo road trip from India was unique in the fact that the author chose many an known destinations. Through the pages of this journal. The readers id afforded a real feel of the Southeast Asian Landscape narrated in the author signature easy and humorous narrative.
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