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മലബാര്‍ മാനുവല്‍ I and II

ISBN : 8185499373
Language :English
Edition : 2000
Page(s) : 760
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 24 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 1,000.00

Book Name in English : William Logan’s Malabar Manual - Vol 1 and Vol 2

William Logan’s Malabar Manual in Two Volumes Vol. 1 is the first of two volumes that contain facsimile copies of the 1951 edition of the Malabar Manual (1887). William Logan’s work chronicles the history and culture of Malabar, compiling indispensible ethnographical and geographical information. Malabar society is explored in eight chapters which deal conclusively with the district, its people and the land. The present reprint contains four critical studies about the original text by Sri. K.K.N. Kurup, Sri. Kesavan Veuthat, Sri. P.N. Unnikrishnan and Sri. Ravindran Gopinath.

Year of Reprint - 2000
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