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സയണിസം ഒളിച്ചുവെച്ച ചരിത്രം

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9789380081007
Language :Malayalam
Edition : First
Page(s) : 270
Condition : New
4 out of 5 rating, based on 6 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 140.00
Rs 126.00

Book Name in English : Sayanisam- Olichuvecha Charithram

They hid the real history of two centuries, which they contrived in the backstage and bandied about on the stage, from people. They ignored all fields of knowledge in the process: philosophy, politics, economics and that neglect was their contribution.
Ralph Shoenman digs up the realities of Zionism, thus validating the saying that ‘nobody can’t be fooled for long. The book will give a new reading experience to the readers in Kerala whose habit it is to taste the lies propagated by the media with their morning tea

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