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Humorous Chit-Chats

Publisher :Saikatham Books
ISBN : 9789382757269
Language :Malayalam
Page(s) : 96
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 75.00

Book Name in English : Humorous Chit-Chats

. A tension free life is everybody’s dream . But it does not come true in many contexts of modern life . But this book is an easy solution to this problem . What elixir is to body is this book to mind , stricken with grief .
chev . Prof . Baby M . Varghese
The jokes appear in this book are not merely comic , but forms of wit and sarcasm which may tickle one’s fantasy . In fact , while laughing at others , you may catch a glimpse of yourself – such is the variety of characters projected in this books .
This book provides varieties of humorous materials for public speakers , teachers , religious preachers , comedians , students , house wives , and plane – train travellers .
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