Image of Book ഇസ്രായേല്‍ ആത്മവഞ്ചനകളുടെ പുരാവ്രത്തം
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ഇസ്രായേല്‍ ആത്മവഞ്ചനകളുടെ പുരാവ്രത്തം

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9788190601924
Language :Malayalam
Edition : First
Page(s) : 259
Condition : New
4 out of 5 rating, based on 4 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 275.00
Rs 247.00

Book Name in English : Isreal- Athmavanchanakalude Puravrutham

By sketching the gross human rights violations in Israel, this book occupies space among some good books on the Israel Palestine conflict. The issue of state terrorism in Israel is so rarely spoken out that those who know about the Palestine issue and its history are not aware of it. Susan Nathan illustrates the filthiness and underdevelopment in Arab townships inside Israel in a language which comes close to our hearts.
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