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Kerala Society Papers

ISBN : 9780000145116
Language :English
Edition : 1997
Page(s) : 366 , Cover : Hardcover
Condition : New
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Price of this Book is Rs 300.00

Book Name in English : Kerala Society Papers

This collection of scholarly articles encompass a wide array of topics such as Kulasekhara Alwar, Annals and Antiquities of Thiruvalla, Pahlavi cross-inscription of South India, St. Thomas and his feasts, slavery in Kerala, castes of Malabar and so on. Together they offer a multifaceted dimension of the history and culture of Kerala. This work also preserves several primary sources of research for future reference. It is in fact, a compilation of two volumes of the original Kerala Society Papers, a journal modelled along the lines of the ‘Royal Asiatic Society.’
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