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Mahatma Gandhi

Publisher :Amarchitrakatha
ISBN : 9788184822113
Language :English
Page(s) : 150
Condition : New
2 out of 5 rating, based on 4 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 100.00

Book Name in English : Mahatma Gandhi

Ridiculed for his idealism and love for truth, and scoffed at for his simplicity and humility, mohandas Karamchand Gandhi proved himself to be no ordinary mortal when by literally 'turning the other cheek' he brought the mighty British empire to its knees. This special edition traces the Mahatma's life as he grew from a passive, quiet and thoughtful boy into a man who seemed to possess unending reserves of stength and determination in the face of tremendous odds. A man who stirred the hearts of millions and inspired them to believe in freedom
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