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Saving the world from Hitler

Publisher :Manorama Books
ISBN : 9788189004392
Language :English
Edition : Sept 2021
Page(s) : 150
Condition : New
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Rs 200.00
Rs 180.00

Book Name in English : Saving the world from Hitler

They were there, everywhere - beating the Italians in East Africa, North Africa and back into Italy; aiding to defeat Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps in EI Alamein; securing oil for the Allies in Iraq and Iran; aiding the Russians with war supplies all the way from Persia; and fiercely fighting the Japanese in Hongkong, Borneo, Malaya, Singapore and Burma. They took a last stand at the eastern gates of their motherland, where they fought some of the bloodiest battles in modern history, and helped turn the tide of war in favour of the Allies.

Written in a racy style and laced with anecdotes and trivia ( Irwin who signed a pact with Gandhi didn’t have a left hand, Wavell wrote poetry in the battlefield, Stafford Cripps was a vegetarian), this book tells the story of how the India Army and the Indian people ensured victory for the Allies in the Second World War, and how that victory led to the country’s freedom.
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