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Sree Chithira Tirunal

ISBN : 9780000151469
Language :English
Edition : 2025
Page(s) : 600
Condition : New
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Printed Book

Rs 700.00
Rs 665.00

Book Name in English : Sree Chithira Tirunal

This sequel to “Sree Chithira Tirunal: Life and Times“ (2015) explores the transformative reforms of
Maharaja Sree Chithira Tirunal, a visionary leader, philanthropist and reformer. His pioneering efforts
in education, healthcare, women’s empowerment, industrial development, hydroelectric projects and the landmark
Temple Entry Proclamation showcase his unwavering commitment to his subjects’ welfare.
This comprehensive compilation features selected reforms and initiatives of the Maharaja, articles by eminent
persons and subject experts, insights from Dr. S Radhakrishnan on the Maharaja’s leadership and legacy, the
role of the Travancore State Forces in World War II; Amma Maharani Setu Parvati Bayi’s significant contributions
during the Maharaja’s reign, and Dewan Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar’s exceptional administrative caliber.
Augumented with rare photographs provided by Sree Uthradom Tirunal Marthanda Varma, Sree Chithira Tirunal offers
a nuanced portrait of a great devotee and illustrious Maharaja, and his enduring legacy. This book is sure to enrich
the knowledg of history enthusiasts, research scholars and commoners alike.
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