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Whisper My Heart

Publisher :Saindhava Books
ISBN : 9788119397730
Language :English
Edition : 2024
Page(s) : 60
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 15 review(s)
Printed Book

Rs 120.00
Rs 114.00

Book Name in English : Whisper My Heart

Dona Prince’s debut poetry collection, Whisper of my Heart, is marked by its simplicity and clarity.
The poems feature straightforward themes such as love, separation, and freedom, without delving into complex philosophical or political ideas.
Dona’s use of rhyme is consistent, focusing more on rhythm and theme than on advanced poetic forms. At a young age, still in her early twenties and completing her BA in English, Dona’s poetry reflects a direct, emotional approach.
A recurring image in her work is that of a caged bird, symbolizing confinement and a strong desire for freedom.
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