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ജിന്ന-വ്യക്തിയും രാഷ്ട്രിയവും

Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9789380081090
Language :Malayalam
Edition : First
Page(s) : 232
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 3 review(s)


The main reason for Jinna's changed mindset is the effect of communalization on Indian community. Jinna's failure was that he could not overstep that influence. He was a victim of communalism. And his martyrdom inflicted an unhealed wound on India's national politics. The blood oozing from that wound causes hostility in both India and Pakistan. This book is a brief, yet comprehensive, biography of the politician in Jinnah
KN Panikkar in foreword: In the final analysis, it becomes clear that Jinna is not merely a person; he is himself a movement. He is the body and spirit of a movement. So, whenever Jinnah is analyzed, the movement which he represented gets evaluated too. Then only will this biography be complete. Those who opposed Jinnah personally intended to destruct his movement. The propaganda which caricatured the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity an apostle of Muslims is part of this destructive agenda. Anti-Jinna intellectuals have been trying to personally denigrate him and thereby to lower the morale of Muslim community.
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