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Publisher :Other Books
ISBN : 9788190601917
Language :Malayalam
Edition : First
Page(s) : 50
Condition : New
1 out of 5 rating, based on 1 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 40.00

Book Name in English : Samsameeyam

Zam Zam is the spring of love which started its course from the wild thirst of the desert. It watered three traditions: Jewish, Christian and Islamic. Sprung under the feet of baby Ishmael and flown uninterrupted even by the tear-soaked hands of Hagar, it quenched the thirst, both physical and spiritual, of many generations and breastfed many civilizations. All Semitic traditions imbibe their energy from the source of a historical event: that of Prophet Abraham leaving his second wife Hagar and son Ishmael in the desert; of Hagar with a strong desire for quenching the thirst of her son running helter-skelter for water; of her finding it as a divine miracle under the feet of Ishmael. This long poem sketches the event painstakingly and in detail. For the easy reading, meanings of certain Sanskrit words have been footnoted. Other Books presents this poem which obeys the rules of meter and cadence for all those who love words.
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