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സോബ് ഓഫ് സ്ട്രിം‌ഗ്‌സ്

Publisher :Red Cherry Books
ISBN : 9788193000724
Language :English
Edition : 2nd Edition 2016 March
Page(s) : 70
Condition : New
3 out of 5 rating, based on 4 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 75.00

Book Name in English : Sob Of Strings

Collection of poetry in English by Arya Gopi. Sob of Strings has 23 poems with a foreword by Thatippalli Radhakrishnan. Aryas poems are contemplative as she delves deep into the mystic meanings of human existence and self discovery. The poems have etched the poets mental anguish, personal grief, haunting sadness and mysticism meticulously.
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