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Syrian Christian Favourites

ISBN : 9788188000203
Language :English
Page(s) : 80
Condition : New
2 out of 5 rating, based on 13 review(s)
Printed Book

Price of this Book is Rs 395.00

Book Name in English : Syrian Christian Favourites

Kerala (India) is a confluence of cultures and cuisines.The cuisine varies across communities and the length of the state (Kerala is not broad enough to admit much variety across it\'s breadth).a normal banquet or buffet is a collage of cuisines. The cuisine of the 2000 year old Kerala Syrian Christians blends the Indian and European.The Syrian Christians,especially of Pala,in central Kerala,have developed an uncommon aristocratic and elegant lifestyle,reflected in their earlier fine wooden Tharavad homes and modern houses and the traditional cuisine and the western cooking they adapted. Today things have changed.At the family functions caterers serve excellent though hotelish food.The authentic traditional taste is foreign to many a Palakar these days.So you may not come by the traditional Syrian Christian cuisines easily,Hence this book. While searching for recipes,we came across a veritable treasure trove of traditional and western cuisine at the kitchen of the Kottukapally family,one of the most illustrious Syrian Christians families. This is a revised second edition of the earlier book,carrying the same name.
Photography : Salim Pushpanath
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