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ISBN : 9789382934318
Language :English
Edition : 2013
Page(s) : 600
Condition : New
4 out of 5 rating, based on 2 review(s)

Book Name in English : Jihad

Jihah is misunderstood as ‘The Holy War’ but the actual meaning of it is to struggle for the way of Allah. It is the religious duty of every Muslim. Asghar Ali Engineer with his compilation Jihad and Other Essays reflects the principle conduct of Islamism. The fundamental of the Islam religion is to combat injustice and it is the main idea of Jihad.The book is a faithful reflection of Islamic philosophy as it is touching many facets of society. Engineer, through his essays, utters that Jihad in new era is interpreted as violence- terrorism. As a radical thinker and writer, he is of the opinion that today; Jihad has become a tool for Islamic politicization.Engineer strongly sticks to the theories and doctrines of Islamism and presents it as a dynamic -religion for him humanity is the core of Islamism.Jihad and Other Essays brings out the moral and human values of Islam through a collection of more than 40 essays. With these essays, Engineer makes the reader understand the word Jihad in a better way.Asghar Ali Engineer was an Indian reformist, writer and activist. Internationally known for his work on liberation theology in Islam, he lead the Progressive Dawoodi Bohra Movement. He was an advocate of a culture of peace, non-violence and communal harmony, and lectured all over world.
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